The many ways a leased line can save you money

If your business currently has a standard broadband line, have you thought about upgrading to a leased line? Whilst a leased line does cost more and has an extended contract period, it can work out more cost-effective overall and certainly more productive. By carrying out a full analysis of the costs vs the benefits, deciding to change is so much easier. A leased line can help you make savings in areas such as cyber-crime, productivity, ability to use a VoIP telephony system and overall improved IT services, such as speed.

Let’s look at each benefit individually:

  • Less downtime – productivity suffers when broadband goes down, particularly if you have an ecommerce store. Whilst it may take days or even weeks to repair a broadband line, leased lines are repaired swiftly under the terms of your agreement with the provider. Your business loses far less money and employees aren’t sitting twiddling their thumbs, unable to work. Every hour of internet downtime costs not only money but a loss of reputation. Clients will see your business as unreliable, with multiple outages resulting in damage to your brand. A leased line comes with a guaranteed connection.  You don’t share with anyone and fixes are made at speed.
  • Improved productivity – nothing boosts the speed of your systems like a leased line. Staff won’t need to worry about being online simultaneously. Large amounts of data can be sent to and from the cloud easily and video calls won’t suffer due to signal dips. Fibre optic leased lines can provide incredible speeds so you decide what you need. Efficiency is improved, as is production.
  • Additional security – the leased line is exclusively yours. Not sharing a line means enhanced security and because you have a dedicated connection, cybercrime is less of a risk. The only data travelling up and down the leased line belongs to your business. You don’t have to pay extra to secure your system. If you are a business that must operate within a secure environment, transmitting valuable data, then opting for the leased line is essential.
  • Use of VoIP – you will be able to swap your ISDN phone line for a VoIP telephony system. No more line rentals and should you connect two sites with a leased line, calls are free. If your business operates from multiple locations, this can equate to significant savings.
  • Sharing becomes simple – multiple sites can share files and email servers. You can forget about purchasing additional resources and staff efficiency is boosted. IT staff have more free time, which is incredibly valuable as they can work on projects that boost profits rather than dealing with problems within the system.
  • Ample scalability – a leased line can grow with your business. Increase the speed of your connection as and when you need it. Boosting your current 100Mbps speed to 1Gbps is simple with no need to purchase additional equipment. Even businesses experiencing massive growth incredibly quickly are served well by the simple scalability of a leased line.

A leased line can save you money in so many ways. If you are considering this type of investment, it is important to look at some of the more subtle, longer term cost savings rather than focusing purely on the upfront cost. Businesses that require the best service levels will benefit from the comprehensive features provided by a leased line.

Talk to MLR today and understand why so many businesses are making the move to this improved way of connecting.  When reliability matters and business continuity is essential investment in a leased line for your business makes sense.

To discuss your requirements, reach out to our connectivity team today.

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