How technology is shaping the future of education

From AR to paperless learning, technology is shaping the future of education in substantial ways. We’ll investigate in this 3-minute read.

What’s the market for tech in schools?

The market is growing at an exponential pace that’s almost untrackable. The events of the last two years have really escalated the trajectory. Zoom, a video conference communication app, refers to a typical example. From 2020, the app [has] seen a dramatic increase in user growth, reaching over 480 million new download count. At the end of 2020, they hosted over 45 billion minutes of online conferences each day. Starting from Quarter 2 of 2020, when schools and workplaces closed, the annual meeting minutes hosted in Zoom lifted up over 260 times from 100 billion minutes to 2.6 trillion minutes. The school system invested billions into LMS, conferencing and other software & hardware for learning and so there’s really no turning back.

How is it changing things?

The tech investments of the 2020s have only increased the speed at which technology is shaping the future of education. We’re noting these emerging trends:


Immersive learning is taking hold. With just a headset, learners can explore ancient cities or interact with models of the human body. It’s a truly multi-use bit of kit that surrounds the learner with 360 degrees of audio-visual input.

Distance Learning

There are no borders anymore. Virtual conferencing means that learning can be delivered anywhere. This opens up opportunities for a worldwide market of higher-education students and better knowledge sharing across the globe.


For students with disabilities, the future is bright. Devices to aid the differently-abled are now more affordable and accessible than ever. From screen readers to transcripts, a lot of this tech is even built-in.


The ability to have audio-visual elements, gamification and other interactivity means that learners are likely to find the lessons of tomorrow less boring. This means more of their attention will be captured each day and that translates to better absorption of the material.


The learning environment and the assignments can be personalised to help each student continue to stay challenged by the material. This means learners can progress at their own pace and quizzes will adapt to ensure they fully grasp the concepts.

Machine learning

In an educational setting, the computer can support teachers with their workload by gathering all marking and test data, tracking improvements as well as making suggestions for further study. It will have the ability to produce personalised data for each individual child, tailoring outcomes based on the student’s abilities, needs, and learning, as well as being able to predict future performance. Importantly it can also grade students in a way that takes out human bias.


More digitisation means less paper and that’s better for the planet. It will also make it easier to keep parents in the loop about their child’s learning with tracked & e-signed for documentation.

Keen to harness some of these advancements for your school? Let’s talk about how we can help.

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